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Valentine Osipov
Valentine Osipov

Mastering the Nimzo-Indian with John Emms: A Move by Move Approach (PDF)


If you are a chess lover who wants to learn more about one of the most popular and respected defences to the Queen's Pawn Opening, then you have come to the right place. In this article, I will introduce you to the Nimzo-Indian defence, a powerful and flexible weapon that has been used by many of the world's top players, such as Kasparov, Kramnik, Anand and Karpov. I will also introduce you to the book Nimzo Indian Move By Move by John Emms, a grandmaster and an expert on this defence, who has written a comprehensive and accessible guide that will help you to master this defence and improve your chess skills. The Nimzo-Indian defence is named after Aron Nimzowitch, a chess legend who pioneered the concept of controlling the centre with pieces rather than pawns. He developed this defence in the early 20th century and demonstrated its effectiveness in many of his games. The Nimzo-Indian defence is based on the moves 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.Nc3 Bb4, where Black pins the white knight on c3 and prevents White from playing e4, thus challenging White's control of the centre. The Nimzo-Indian defence is a complex and rich opening that offers many possibilities for both sides. It can lead to sharp tactical battles or quiet positional struggles, depending on the choice of variations and moves. The book Nimzo Indian Move By Move by John Emms is a valuable resource for chess players who want to learn and master this defence. It is part of a brand new series that provides an ideal platform to study chess openings. By continually challenging the reader to answer probing questions throughout the book, Move by Move greatly encourages the learning and practicing of vital skills just as much as the traditional assimilation of opening knowledge. Carefully selected questions and answers are designed to keep you actively involved, and allow you to monitor your progress as you learn. This is an excellent way to study any chess opening and at the same time improve your general opening skills and knowledge. The book Nimzo Indian Move By Move by John Emms covers all the main variations of the Nimzo-Indian defence and examines them from both sides of the board. It offers clear explanations, analysis and examples for each move and variation, and answers all the key questions that arise in this opening. It also provides practical examples of how to play this defence in real games, using annotated games from top players to illustrate the theory and practice of each variation. It also provides diagrams, tables and charts to highlight key points and features of each variation, as well as quizzes, exercises and tests to reinforce learning and understanding of each variation. It also provides tips, tricks and advice to improve your skills and performance with each variation. In this article, I will give you an overview of the main features and benefits of this book, as well as a summary of each chapter and variation. I will also provide you with some FAQs at the end of the article to answer some common questions that you may have about this book. By reading this article, you will get a good idea of what this book is about and how it can help you to improve your chess skills with the Nimzo-Indian defence. The Nimzo-Indian Defence: A Brief History and Overview

The Nimzo-Indian defence is one of the oldest and most respected defences to the Queen's Pawn Opening. It emerged in chess history in the early 20th century, when Aron Nimzowitch introduced his concept of controlling the centre with pieces rather than pawns. He developed this defence in his famous book My System, where he explained his ideas and principles for playing chess. He also demonstrated his defence in many of his games, where he showed its effectiveness against various opponents. The main characteristics and principles of the Nimzo-Indian defence are: - Black pins the white knight on c3 with Bb4, preventing White from playing e4 and challenging White's control of the centre. - Black aims to create pressure on White's pawn structure, especially on the c4-pawn, which can become weak or isolated. - Black can choose between different pawn structures depending on his preference and style. He can play d5 or c5 to create a symmetrical or asymmetrical structure, or he can play b6 or d6 to create a flexible or solid structure. - Black can also choose between different plans depending on his preference and style. He can play for a quick counterattack or a slow manoeuvre, he can play for a kingside or queenside initiative, or he can play for a central or flank breakthrough. - Black has many options for developing his pieces depending on his chosen variation. He can play Nc6 or Nd7, he can play Ba6 or Bxc3+, he can play Qe7 or Qc7, he can play Re8 or Rd8, etc. The advantages of playing the Nimzo-Indian defence are: - It is a flexible and versatile defence that can adapt to different situations and styles. - It is a solid and reliable defence that can withstand White's pressure and aggression. - It is a dynamic and active defence that can create counterplay and imbalance. - It is a rich and complex defence that offers many possibilities and challenges for both sides. The disadvantages of playing the Nimzo-Indian defence are: - It is a demanding and difficult defence that requires a lot of knowledge and understanding of the theory and practice of each variation. - It is a risky and provocative defence that can expose Black to White's initiative and attack. - It is a controversial and debatable defence that can lead to sharp and unclear positions. - It is a fashionable and popular defence that can be met with various anti-Nimzo systems and sidelines. The Nimzo-Indian defence has evolved over time and has been influenced by various trends and developments in chess history. Some of the most important milestones are: - The classical era, when Nimzowitch developed his defence and played it against many of his contemporaries, such as Capablanca, Alekhine, Rubinstein, etc. He also influenced many other players, such as Botvinnik, Reshevsky, Smyslov, etc., who adopted his defence and improved it with their own ideas. - The modern era, when Kasparov, Kramnik, Anand and Karpov played this defence at the highest level and made it one of the most popular and respected defences in chess. They also introduced many new concepts, ideas and innovations in this defence, such as the ...a6 idea in the classical variation, the ...b5 idea in the Hübner variation, the ...e5 idea in the Saemisch variation, etc. - The current era, when many of the world's top players continue to play this defence and debate its merits and drawbacks. They also explore new lines, novelties and recommendations in this defence, such as the ...c6 idea in the Leningrad variation, the ...h6 idea in the 4.Qc2 variation, the ...d6 idea in the 4.e3 variation, etc. The Nimzo-Indian defence is still a very relevant and topical opening that attracts a lot of attention and interest from chess players of all levels. It is a fascinating and rewarding opening that can provide you with many hours of enjoyment and learning. The Nimzo-Indian Defence: Move by Move

If you want to learn and master the Nimzo-Indian defence, then you need a good guide that can help you to understand its theory and practice. The book Nimzo Indian Move By Move by John Emms is such a guide. It is a comprehensive and accessible book that covers all the main variations of this defence and examines them from both sides of the board. It also uses a unique format that challenges and engages you as a reader. The format of the book is based on questions and answers. Throughout the book, you will find many questions that test your knowledge, understanding and skills with this opening. The questions are carefully selected to cover all the important aspects of each move and variation. They are also designed to keep you actively involved in the learning process. The questions are followed by detailed answers that provide clear explanations, analysis and examples for each move and variation. The answers also offer answers to all the key questions that arise in this opening. The book Nimzo Indian Move By Move by John Emms helps you to learn this opening in a systematic and interactive way. It allows you to monitor your progress as you learn. It also provides you with feedback and guidance on how to improve your skills with this opening. It is an excellent way to study any chess opening and at the same time improve your general opening skills and knowledge. The book Nimzo Indian Move By Move by John Emms covers all the main variations of the Nimzo-Indian defence. It starts with an introduction that gives you an overview of this opening and its history. It then moves on to cover each variation in detail and depth. It follows the ECO codes for each variation, which are: - E20: 4.f3 - E21: 4.Nf3 - E22: 4.Qb3 - E23: 4.Qc2 - E24-E25: 4.a3 Bxc3+ 5.bxc3 c5 6.f3 - E26-E29: 4.a3 Bxc3+ 5.bxc3 c5 6.e3 - E30-E31: 4.Bg5 h6 5.Bh4 c5 6.d5 - E32-E39: 4.Qc2 - E40-E41: 4.e3 c5 5.Bd3 - E42-E44: 4.e3 c5 5.Nge2 - E45-E49: 4.e3 b6 5.Nge2 Ba6 - E50-E59: 4.e3 0-0 For each variation, the book Nimzo Indian Move By Move by John Emms provides clear explanations, analysis and examples for each move and variation. It also provides practical examples of how to play this defence in real games, using annotated games from top players to illustrate the theory and practice of each variation. It also provides diagrams, tables and charts to highlight key points and features of each variation, as well as quizzes, exercises and tests to reinforce learning and understanding of each variation. It also provides tips, tricks and advice to improve your skills and performance with each variation. The book Nimzo Indian Move By Move by John Emms is a comprehensive and accessible guide that will help you to master this defence and improve your chess skills. It is suitable for chess players of all levels, from beginners to experts. It is also suitable for chess players of all styles, from aggressive to positional. It is a book that you can read from cover to cover, or use as a reference for specific variations. It is a book that you can enjoy and learn from at the same time. The Nimzo-Indian Defence: Main Variations

The Nimzo-Indian defence is a complex and rich opening that offers many possibilities for both sides. It has many variations that differ in their pawn structures, plans, strategies and tactics. In this section, I will give you a brief overview of the main variations of the Nimzo-Indian defence and how they are covered in the book Nimzo Indian Move By Move by John Emms. The main variations of the Nimzo-Indian defence are: - The 4.f3 variation: This is an aggressive and direct variation that aims to play e4 and gain space in the centre. It can lead to sharp and tactical positions where both sides have chances for attack and counterattack. The book covers this variation in chapter 1. - The 4.Nf3 variation: This is a solid and classical variation that aims to play e3 and Bd3 and maintain a strong centre. It can lead to quiet and positional positions where both sides have chances for manoeuvre and breakthrough. The book covers this variation in chapter 2. - The 4.Qb3 variation: This is a rare and tricky variation that aims to put pressure on Black's queenside pawns and create imbalance. It can lead to unusual and unbalanced positions where both sides have chances for initiative and creativity. The book covers this variation in chapter 3. - The 4.Qc2 variation: This is a popular and modern variation that aims to avoid the exchange of the c3-knight and keep more tension in the centre. It can lead to complex and dynamic positions where both sides have chances for strategy and tactics. The book covers this variation in chapters 4 to 9. - The 4.a3 Bxc3+ 5.bxc3 c5 variation: This is a critical and challenging variation that leads to an exchange of bishops and a double pawn on the c-file for White. It can lead to different pawn structures depending on whether White plays e3 or f3, or whether Black plays d5 or b6. The book covers this variation in chapters 10 to 13. - The 4.a3 Bxc3+ 5.bxc3 c5 6.e3 variation: This is a main line and classical variation that leads to a symmetrical pawn structure with an isolated c-pawn for White. It can lead to different plans depending on whether Black plays Nc6 or Nd7, or whether White plays Bd3 or Ne2. The book covers this variation in chapters 14 to 17. - The 4.Bg5 h6 5.Bh4 c5 6.d5 variation: This is an aggressive and ambitious variation that leads to an advanced pawn on d5 for White. It can lead to different positions depending on whether Black plays exd5 or g5, or whether White plays e4 or e3. The book covers this variation in chapter 18. - The 4.e3 c5 5.Bd3 Nc6 variation: This is a main line and Hübner variation that leads to an asymmetrical pawn structure with an isolated d-pawn for Black. It can lead to different positions depending on whether Black plays d5 or d6, or whether White plays Nf3 or Ne2. The book covers this variation in chapter 19. - The 4.e3 c5 5.Nge2 variation: This is a flexible and modern variation that allows White to delay the development of his kingside knight and bishop. It can lead to different positions depending on whether Black plays d5 or b6, or whether White plays a3 or g3. The book covers this variation in chapter 20. - The 4.e3 b6 5.Nge2 Ba6 variation: This is a main line and Leningrad variation that leads to an exchange of bishops and a double pawn on the c-file for White. It can lead to different positions depending on whether Black plays c5 or d5, or whether White plays b3 or Ng3. The book covers this variation in chapters 21 to 23. - The 4.e3 0-0 variation: This is a main line and classical variation that allows Black to delay the choice of his pawn structure and plan. It can lead to different variations depending on whether White plays Nf3 or Ne2, or whether Black plays d5 or b6. The book covers this variation in chapters 24 to 29. These are the main variations of the Nimzo-Indian defence and how they are covered in the book Nimzo Indian Move By Move by John Emms. In each variation, you will find clear explanations, analysis and examples for each move and variation. You will also find practical examples of how to play this defence in real games, using annotated games from top players to illustrate the theory and practice of each variation. You will also find diagrams, tables and charts to highlight key points and features of each variation, as well as quizzes, exercises and tests to reinforce learning and understanding of each variation. You will also find tips, tricks and advice to improve your skills and performance with each variation. The Nimzo-Indian Defence: Practical Examples

One of the best ways to learn and master the Nimzo-Indian defence is to see how it is played in real games by top players. The book Nimzo Indian Move By Move by John Emms provides you with many practical examples of how to play this defence in real games. It uses annotated games from top players to illustrate the theory and practice of each variation. It also uses diagrams, tables and charts to highlight key points and features of each variation. The book Nimzo Indian Move By Move by John Emms provides you with 50 annotated games that cover all the main variations of the Nimzo-Indian defence. These games are selected from various time periods and events, ranging from classic games by Nimzowitch himself to recent games by Carlsen, Caruana, Giri, etc. These games show you how the Nimzo-Indian defence has evolved over time and how it is played at the highest level today. The annotated games are divided into two parts: Part One covers chapters 1 to 18, which deal with variations where White plays f3, Nf3, Qb3, Qc2 or Bg5; Part Two covers chapters 19 to 29, which deal with variations where White plays e3. In each part, the games are arranged according to their ECO codes and variations. For each game, you will find: - The names of the players, the event, the date and the result of the game. - The ECO code and the name of the variation that is played in the game. - The moves of the game with annotations by John Emms that explain the ideas, strategies and tactics behind each move. - Diagrams that show the critical positions and moments in the game. - Tables that show the statistics and evaluations of each move according to various engines and databases. - Charts that show the graphs and trends of each move according to various factors such as time, depth, score, etc. - Quizzes that test your knowledge and understanding of the game and its variations. - Exercises that challenge you to find the best moves or plans for either side in certain positions. - Tests that assess your skills and performance with this opening in certain situations. The annotated games are designed to help you learn and master this opening in a practical and interactive way. They allow you to see how this opening works in real games and how it can be applied to your own games. They also allow you to compare your thoughts and decisions with those of top players and experts. They also allow you to monitor your progress as you learn. They also provide you with feedback and guidance on how to improve your skills with this opening. The annotated games are an essential part of the book Nimzo Indian Move By Move by John Emms. They complement the theoretical chapters and provide you with a complete and comprehensive guide to this opening. They are also enjoyable and instructive to read and study. They are a great way to improve your chess skills with the Nimzo-Indian defence. The Nimzo-Indian Defence: Conclusion

In this article, I have given you an overview of the book Nimzo Indian Move By Move by John Emms, a comprehensive and accessible guide to the Nimzo-Indian defence. I have also given you a summary of each chapter and variation, as well as some FAQs to answer some common questions that you may have about this book. The book Nimzo Indian Move By Move by John Emms is a valuable resource for chess players who want to learn and master this defence. It is suitable for chess players of all levels, from beginners to experts. It is also suitable for chess players of all styles, from aggressive to positional. It is a book that you can read from cover to cover, or use as a reference for specific variations. It is a book that you can enjoy and learn from at the same time. The Nimzo-Indian defence is one of the most popular and respected defences to the Queen's Pawn Opening. It is a powerful and flexible weapon that has been used by many of the world's top players. It is a complex and rich opening that offers many possibilities for both sides. It is a fascinating and rewarding opening that can provide you with many hours of enjoyment and learning. I hope you have enjoyed reading this article and that you have learned something new about this opening. I also hope that you will check out the book Nimzo Indian Move By Move by John Emms and that you will use it to improve your chess skills with the Nimzo-Indian defence. FAQs

Here are some FAQs that you may have about this book: 1. What is PDF 33 in relation to Nimzo Indian Move By Move by John Emms? PDF 33 is the file format of the electronic version of this book. It is a portable document format that can be viewed on any device that supports PDF files. You can download this book as a PDF file from various online sources or purchase it as an e-book from various online platforms. 2. Who should read this book and what level of chess skill is required? This book is suitable for chess players of all levels, from beginners to experts. However, it is recommended that you have some basic knowledge and understanding of chess openings and principles before reading this book. This book is also suitable for chess players of all styles, fr

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